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SUBMITTED by Ken Bradstreet, Palmyra Village Trustee / Deputy Mayor (15-Apr-2010)

The Village of Palmyra’s first annual ‘Taking Flight Over Palmyra’ festival exceeded all expectations. On Saturday, 3 April 2010, an estimated audience of 1000 people took advantage of summer like weather to enjoy watching kite flyers, remote controlled model aircraft handlers and two hot air balloonists demonstrate their wares and skills. People of all ages flew their own kites while savoring goodies from Les Thomas’s mobile kitchen. Hot dogs and drinks were provided by Palmyra Pathways and the Palmyra Community Center. Thanks go to the Rotary for allowing us the use of their fair grounds accommodations.

Our advanced advertising for the event was enhanced through the beautiful art posters created by high school art students. Their talents are really shown through the quality of their pieces.

Making this event possible was due to the time, energy, and enthusiasm given toward the day’s planning and coordination by Judy Zanin, Irene Unterborn, Rick Westover, Gary Laberge, Clint Rullo and Mark and Carla Craft. Marya Vande-Doyle, thank you for the set up help on Saturday morning. When you see these folks about town, tell them their efforts were a job well done.

Thanks and gratitude need to be given to Gene Slater representing the Wayne County Fair Board. He was a pleasure to work with from asking for permission to use the fair grounds to making sure the water and electricity were turned on as well as other requests.

Without hesitation when asked, Griffith Energy stepped forward to donate the propane needed by the hot air balloonists. At the end of the day, they returned to retrieve the unused propane from the tanks of the hot air balloons. Both times, as a safety precaution, the Palmyra Volunteer Fire Department sent firefighters to monitor the transfer of propane.

Finally, on behalf of the Celebrations Committee, Palmyra Pathways and the Palmyra Community Center, a most appreciative THANK YOU is extended to Sky Rovers: Stan Griffin, Will Fellenz, Don Rowe, Ron Wahl, Dave Reid, Tom Hall, Pete Tinkenpal and Glen Tinkenpal. The plane stunts and tank demonstrations were great.

Dave Playfair of the Rochester Aero Modeling Society demonstrated his skills stunt flying his model helicopter. Oohs and ahs were heard all around.

Kite flying enthusiasts Dave Watson, Kevin Reynolds and Roger Kessler taught us that there are many types of kites of all shapes and sizes. They showed their passion for kite flying by having several in the air all day long.

Even though the strong breezes prevented the hot air balloons from inflating and leaving the ground, both balloonists, Jim Oliver and JoEllen Smith, set up their passenger baskets allowing children to get in while explaining their craft and experiences to all interested parties.

Thanks to one and all. We look forward to seeing you next year at the second annual ‘Taking Flight Over Palmyra’.


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