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SUBMITTED by Marcia Marsille, Village Bookmarket (7-Sep-2010)

Between 1971 and 1973, three young girls, ages ten to eleven, were found sexually assaulted and slain near Rochester, New York. The girls all had double initials for their first and last names and were found dead in suburbs with names in which the first letter coordinated with the girls’ initials.

On September 25 from 10 AM to 12 noon, author Cheri Farnsworth will be at Village Bookmarket, 207 East Main St., Palmyra, NY, for a book signing with her new book about these murders, "Alphabet Killer: The True Story of the Double Initial Murders".

Two prime suspects in these murders later committed suicide. A third suspect, Kenneth Bianchi, went to California where he went on to become one of the infamous Hillside Stranglers, but to this day he insists he had nothing to do with the so-called Double Initial, or Alphabet, murders. The crimes remain unsolved, but interest in the case was reenergized with the release of a fictionalized motion picture loosely based on the murders. This factual account, the first book fully devoted to the case, explores the crime and the ongoing investigation.


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