Get your advance tickets before they are sold out. It only happens every other year and you will love the seven historic or interesting houses that are included in this year's event, scheduled for Saturday, September 25. If that date sounds familiar, it is the same day as the Newark Chamber of Commerce "Wine & Arts Walk". Set that day aside and enjoy the best that Newark has to offer.
Photo- The Vance house, 207 Mason Street has been restored to original condition and converted back to a single family residence.Hosted by The Newark-Arcadia Historical Society
The house tour starts at 10 a.m. and closes at 3 p.m. Tickets are priced at $10 and available at Wegmans, Newark Village Pharmacy, the Flower Mill, Doebler Realty, Nine Pines, Sharon's Snip Shop, Dobbins Drugs, S.A. Gilbert Jewelers, Breens, and the Newark-Arcadia Museum. Antique and classic autos will be featured at each home, weather permitting. Enjoy!
For more information call Isabel Gadjo at 331.6924
Anonymous Said,
what are the locations of the homes open for the tour?
Posted on Wed Sep 15, 11:15:00 AM EDT