The Friends of the Newark Public Library Book Review Series Continues on Friday January 14, at 12 Noon.
The New York Times bestseller that everyone is talking about . . .
"There are scientifically shown reasons why our grandchildren are thinking differently than we do."
Tim Johnson will review the non-fiction book "The Shallows", by Nicholas Carr, published in early 2010 by Norton. Carr uses a vast array of examples from intellectual history, popular science, and cultural criticism to show the reader how such "tools of the mind" have shaped the way we think. Consider the "revolutions" set off by the development of the alphabet, and map making, and the clock, and the printing press. Most recently, the computer and the internet are revolutionizing the way we think.
Reservations are a must and must be made by Monday, January 10.. Lunch and apple pie is only $4.50. Call the library at 331-4370
Seth C. Burgess Said,
Sounds interesting
Posted on Thu Dec 23, 10:05:00 AM EST