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Area residents passed by the dilapidated building several times today while awaiting the big "fallover" of the old Sculli building on William Street in the Village of Lyons.

Earlier this week, heavy ice and snow caused the roof to collapse, thereby making the structure unsafe for anyone to enter or pass by.  The small section of the main street was closed off all week to ensure pedestrian safety.

Dom Bartucca, (Empire Enterprises) cutting away at the
structure one piece at a time.
Today, began a day of anticipation and sadness for many.  Many gathered to see the ancient building be torn down while others hung their heads in disbelief as yet another of Lyons' historical structures have met their doom.

Empire Enterprises, owned by Joe Bartucca of Newark was on-sight early this morning with his father, Dom Bartucca, preparing the building for its tear-down.  Empire Enterprises, who contracts frequently with the City of Rochester for similar work, does approximately 55-60 demolitions per year.

Experience was certainly visible as the demolition of this building was done methodically and without damage to surrounding buildings.  The mid-morning sun made it a pleasant afternoon to work in, however, on occasion the wind would kick up and add some additional hazards.  But nothing stopped the progression of the building's fate.

Still standing tall at day's end!
By the end of the afternoon, only the first floor remained still intact with the front of the building still looking as majestic and proud as always.  The remaining part of the building had been dismantled and pushed into the center of the frame structure where it will be hauled away once the whole building is down.

I think it's sad.  Our goal is to revitalize through historic preservation.  Now we have one less building to work with.  No matter what goes there, it won't replace the building, said Jerry Ashley, Director of the Lyons Main Street Program.
Others nearby were glad to see that the shabby building was finally coming down.  Tom Herendeen, Manager of Ohmann Theatre, stated that "too bad people can't maintain the building, but with high taxes and the current economy, it's tough to maintain.  It's really a pity that no one has taken care of it".

Rear of building at start of demolition
While unsure of the future of this lot, we can be sure that steps from several individuals in the community are now being taken to prevent the demise of similar structures in the future.


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8 Comments to "Another Building Lost Due to Heavy Snow"

  1. Anonymous Said,

    I am willing to bet that a new roof would not have cost any more than what the demolition bill was. Where was the code enforcement officer?

    Posted on Sat Feb 19, 09:20:00 AM EST

  2. Anonymous Said,

    What is the history of that building? What was the last use? Who is the owner?

    Posted on Sat Feb 19, 09:22:00 AM EST

  3. Stephanie Knarr Said,

    The little bit of history I have been able to confirm on the building is this... It has been owned by the Sculli family for many years. Daughter, Vicki Miller somehow inherited the parcel upon the death of her parents. Vicki now owns the building, but has been unable to be reached for comment. She also owns the parcel (house) next door, in which currently, both parcels had been up for sale for the past several weeks... however there are back taxes due on both properties. It's last use was a Sporting Goods store and an Upholstery Shop, both of which names donned the windows.

    Posted on Sat Feb 19, 03:49:00 PM EST

  4. Anonymous Said,

    the taxpayers are getting stuck with the demo bill, a new roof would of been a couple grand

    Posted on Mon Mar 07, 01:32:00 PM EST

  5. Andrew DeWolf Said,

    How could a building so close to the village hall, in the heart of the historic district, be allowed to fall into such disrepair? The village and town want to put a full time code enforcement officer on the rolls for the first time in LYons History.... Does this fiasco offer proof one is needed, or proof that our current officer is just too overloaded with regulations that he cannot follow up on more routine inspections closer to his office? Hmm... Regarding unpaid taxes: At least this building appears to have been on the tax rolls at full amount. Has anyone ever looked at the tax rolls and noticed all the EXEMPT private residences and building in the village? hmm... Just some food for thought and discussion.

    Posted on Wed Mar 09, 07:31:00 AM EST

  6. Anonymous Said,

    Check out the tax kick backs farmers get so the other residents have to pay highter taxes. This has also not held food prices down like intended.

    Posted on Wed Mar 09, 09:07:00 PM EST

  7. Anonymous Said,

    Ms. Knarr- How about the rest of the story- Check with village officials, ask them how much the demolition bill was and who paid it. You will be shocked. Bad news
    Speaking of bad news, I see Lyons has a new interim police chief. There is another in-depth story. "Chief" Bogan will schedule his police work around his electrical business, teach his officers how to screw the village financially, and generally treat people badly.

    Posted on Thu Mar 10, 06:26:00 AM EST

  8. Anonymous Said,

    I heard but it is hard to believe that the cost to demolish the building was $80,000. As I say it is hard to believe but when the village doesn't come out and say how much rumors fill the void of information. Another big hit to the tax payer is I read in the village minutes that the outgoing police chief is being paid $70,000 for severence pay. How is this possible? If wrong please post correct info.

    Posted on Thu Mar 10, 03:05:00 PM EST


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