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SUBMITTED by Kc Meyer, Wayne Writers Guild (31-Jan-2011)

Dear World, I want to send you a Valentine.
I want people to love the heart of the world; I want the world to love the hearts of its people...
no matter what their politics, beliefs, race, age, gender,nationality, economics, education, job, disabiliy or ability.

I wish the world love that is:
less selfish, more altruistic...
less shallow, more courageous...
less greedy, more giving...
less false belief, more faith...less dogma, more open communications to understand all of the things we're too afraid to know, too frightened to embrace, too scared to let in...
less fear of all those things that seem out of tune with our own melody
and more courage to hear the symphony around us.

Dear World, will be be our Valentine? We'll be yours if you've the time
to learn to believe in yourself again; take up the banner, with a heart in the middle, and arms open wide to hug the souls of the world,
Dear Valentine.


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1 Comment to "A Valentine"

  1. Anonymous Said,

    A beautiful Valentine! I love it. John C.

    Posted on Thu Feb 03, 12:54:00 AM EST


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