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SUBMITTED by Theresa Streb, Lyons Public Library (5-May-2011)

The Lyons Public Library is hosting a display in tribute to the late Lyman Stuart, formerly of Newark, who won a Life Photo Essay Contest in 1955. There were 35,000 pictures from 49 countries and 47 states. Ten of Mr. Stuart's made it into the first issue announcing the winners. At the time of the article he had taken over 8,000 shots of birds. A copy of the winning picture is on display. The collection of artifacts, statues, binoculars, portraits of birds, bird identification books and even bird eggs are in the cabinet. Everything is from the private collection of Christopher Davis of Newark, which will remain on display through the month of May.

Birdwatching (aka birding) started gaining in popularity in the late 18th century when birds were appreciated for their looks as much as their value as food. However, the Victorian era resulted in many birds being killed for their feathers and skins, as well as many eggs taken from nests and kept as souvenirs. The Audubon Society, among others, was started to protect birds. For more on birding, check out the following links: www.eatonbirds.webs.com (Eaton Birding Society) or www.audubon.org (National Audubon Society).

For more information about the Lyons Public Library, call (315) 946-9262, email lyonslibrary@owwl.org, or check out our blog at www.lyonslibrary.blogspot.com or go to our Facebook page www.facebook.com/LyonsPublicLibrary.


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