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Dear Neighbors,

   I toured the Lake Ontario and Sodus Bay shorelines in May, and urge boaters to stay as far away as possible from any shoreline to reduce shoreline erosion, to protect property and to avoid docks that may still be submerged. The Navigation Law requires a 100-foot “No Wake” zone, but I ask all boaters to voluntarily observe a 500-foot “No Wake” zone off any shoreline of Lake Ontario, Sodus Bay, Port Bay and Blind Sodus Bay. This advisory to voluntarily comply with the extended no-wake zone will remain in effect during high water levels and will be monitored weekly by the my office’s Marine Patrol, which went into service on May 16.
   During May, deputies instructed students regarding bullying at the Red Creek High School, held a bike rodeo and issued 50 IDs for Operation Safe Child at the Gananda School, presented a Neighborhood Watch Program in Clyde, conducted a car-seat inspection at the Ontario Volunteer Ambulance Open House and held a Boater Safety Class certifying 26 students. I read to Head Start children in Lyons and discussed with Marion High School Seniors how the United States Constitution is important to the operation and services provided by the Office of Sheriff.

   The Sheriff’s Office Road Patrol, Criminal Investigations Division, Juvenile, Civil, Records and Administrative Offices moved into the Public Safety Building on May 21. This project started under former Sheriff Richard J. Pisciotti, whom I asked to present the Sheriff’s Honor Guard with the United States Flag to be raised and displayed with honor over the Public Safety Building.
   In April, Deputy Robert Fiorito was selected as an Honor Graduate of the New York State Department of Criminal Justice Services Basic Firearms Instructor School, held in Rochester, NY. This selection was based upon his overall performance in marksmanship, gun handling, instruction, testing, teamwork and the recommendation of the Lead Instructors. As an Honor Graduate, Deputy Fiorito’s performance reflects well as an individual deputy sheriff and as a member of the Sheriff’s Office. Superb work Deputy Fiorito!
   On May 18, Correction Officer Chris Kerr and James Black completed a six-week Correction Officer and Peace Officer Course held at the Seneca County Sheriff’s Office. Officer Kerr was number one in academics and Officer Black was number one in firearms qualifications. Great job, Officers Kerr and Black!
    Correction Officer William Reeser retired on May 30. I hope Bill enjoys his hobbies of fishing and hunting, and for him to have a healthy, happy and long retirement. Thank you, Bill, for your 15 years of service!  
   In April, 158 males and 34 females (192 total) were committed to the jail facility, 219 court transports, 12,292 inmate meals were served and $60,700 was collected from 51 inmates released on bail. Inmates worked a total of 1,691 hours of labor in laundry, facility cleaning and food service. Court Security Officers cleared 3,698 people entering the Hall of Justice through the magnetometer, securing 98 weapons (knives, razors, and scissors). Deputies traveled 102,457 miles on patrol, investigating 70 motor vehicle accidents, 4 missing persons, 18 animal complaints, 1,627 miscellaneous complaints, 435 minor crimes, 12 major crimes and 17 fires totaling 2,697 complaints received. Deputies issued 314 traffic tickets, 7 DWIs and made 100 criminal arrests. The Records Office processed 43 pistol permit applications and 75 pistol permit amendments requiring a Brady Check. The Civil Office served 184 legal papers and 76 Family Court orders, handled 9 evictions, received $113,156.32 and paid out $112,213.00 to creditors. $13,383.29 was remitted to Wayne County Treasurer Thomas Warnick for the county’s General Fund.
   Please contact me at 315.946.5797 or bvirts@co.wayne.ny.us with any questions or concerns you have.


Barry Virts



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