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Members of the Finger Lakes Region Volkssport Club helped make the first-ever Great Lakes Seaway Trail VolksWalk a resounding success in September. Club members participating in this first walk are back row left to right: David Darrow and Stan and Sue Connelly with John Lundy portraying President James Madison; front row l to r: Doug and Cinda Gausman, Vicki Darrow holding the first 'Great Lakes Seaway Trail VolksPup' Benoni, and Colleen Hailey.

This group was among participants that included organized leisure walks from the Canadian Volkssport Association, New York's Southern Tier, Buffalo-Niagara Falls and 1000 Islands regions, local residents and historic re-enactors developing Great Lakes Seaway Trail 1812-theme VolksWalks in their communities.

American Volkssport Association Northeast Regional Director Doug Reynolds provided a special stamp for the walkers' logbooks that are purchased and stamped to qualify for pins and patches. For more information on the new Great Lakes Seaway Trail Volkssport Association, contact Daryl Giles at 315-646-1000 x200, www.seawaytrail.com/volkssport.


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