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SUBMITTED by Vicky Daly, Village of Palmyra (8-Jun-2012)

Conversation with the Mayor

Is it a sign of age, a need for new glasses, or too much on one’s plate when you cannot read your own handwriting? Whatever the cause, I misread my notes made during a conversation with Jim Arthurton about the military display at the Post Office. The display, which you should definitely check out, was created by Dale Barker (not Baker) and Jim. My apologies, Dale.

Continuing with things you should make a point of seeing: stop in the Village Hall and be impressed by the handsome handmade wooden vehicles from ll Dog Barkery, 236 West Main Street, now in the display case. (And you thought they were focused only on dogs and cats.) A variety of vehicles – tractor, jeep, bicycle – is displayed but the wooden replica of the Reading Railroad Work Train from the early 19th Century steals the show. There are many more items at the shop and I understand that they will be available also at Pirate Weekend on August 12th. This display in the Village Hall will be in place through the end of June. Remember, any merchant, service provider or service club is welcome to reserve the display case for a month. To do that, just call the Village Hall, 597-4849 and make a reservation. The case does lock so safetyis not a concern.

I had a very minor role in this year’s Dollars for Scholars award ceremony at the Pal-Mac High School. It was the first time I had attended, as the organization was founded in 1988 after our kids had graduated. I knew and supported the organization, its goals, and success, but had never seen the ceremony. It was incredible! The gym was packed with graduates, their families and donors or their representatives. As we walked out alongside Dollars for Scholars Board Chair Bob Yost, Bob confided that they had a problem – the need for a new goal to work toward. When founded in 1988, the organization set a goal to reach one million dollars in awards. As of 2012, Pal-Mac Dollars for Scholars has awarded almost $1.3 million to 1,585 students. I suspect they will reach any new goal. The award ceremony spoke volumes not just about the Dollars for Scholars organization and the graduates it assists, but also about the people and businesses of Palmyra, Macedon and the region. They are the ones making this wonderful event happen.

Keep an eye out for a new I Love NY map “Waterways in the Heart of New York." It provides information on ports of call on the canals and lakes from Lake Ontario south and from Syracuse west through Wayne County. It’s a beauty! The maps are available at the Village Hall. Christine Worth, Director, Wayne County Tourism, along with her colleagues in Syracuse, Skaneateles, Oswego and Cayuga Counties can take credit for the map. You will want a copy.

Finally, the signs of summer are reappearing–tour buses at Historic Palmyra and the Grandin Building, more families with small children in the Village Park, boats at the marina, and the announcement of summer events. Check out www.palmyrany.com, something else to look at, and see what appeals to you. Copies of the Summer Calendar of Events from the Wayne County Office of Tourism, which covers happenings through the end of August, are available in the Village Hall and online at www.waynecountytourism.com. There are all kinds of choices. It’s going to be a great summer.


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