The Wolcott Rotary Club members and friends met at the Wolcott Elks Club June 20 to celebrate its Change Over Night. Outgoing President Jessica Banks turned the gavel over to Colleen McCarty, Member Development Coordinator for the Reliant Community Federal Credit Union. Other officers are Mary Augusta Boogaard, President Elect; Walter Agnew, Secretary; and Marie Thomas, Treasurer.
Throughout the Rotary International world, 34,000 Rotary clubs are installing new officers for the new Rotary year, which runs from July 1 to July 1.
Awards and honors were presented as follows: the Citizen of the Year award was presented by Rotarian Ken Burgess to Pastor David Parker of the Baptist Church for his outstanding ministry to his church and the Wolcott Community, the Volunteer Organization of the Year Award, presented by Marie Thomas, went to the Wolcott Lions Club for its continuing service to the community including the Wine and Jazz Festival and the Classic Car Show. Accepting for the Lions Club was Sherri Sheldon, Branch Manager of the Lyons National Bank, the Rotarian of the Year Award was presented by Ed Wheeler in honor of recently departed Rotarian Jerry Friends for his countless contributions to Rotary, particularly in the area of the Rotary Youth Exchange programs. Accepting the award for the family was John Friends. Additionally, Attendance awards for perfect attendance this past year were presented by Walt Agnew to Duane VanGelder and Walter Agnew.
A special tribute to Jerry Friends was given by John Friends. In addition to John, Jerry’s widow, Barbara Friends and three of Jerry and Barb’s grandchildren were in attendance. John spoke of Rotary’s importance to Jerry and the entire family and how Jerry carried out the Rotary motto of Service Above Self in his daily life. John was himself a youth exchange student as were other members of the family.
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