WHAT: Scout Show
WHEN: Saturday, February 16, 2013 from 12:00 noon – 4:00 pm
WHERE: Eastview Mall, Victor, NY
WHY: To learn about Scouting through fun hands-on activities
On Saturday, February 16th, Scouts will be showing their stuff at Eastview Mall. Seneca Waterways Council Boy Scouts of America hosts its second Scout Show to introduce Scouting to young children and families in a fun way that also provides an opportunity for learning.
More than 40 activities or informational displays will be spread throughout Eastview Mall for families to learn more about Scouting giving them opportunities to participate in various hands-on activities. Families can also take-away information on various Scouting programs in their neighborhood as well as summer camp programs.
Families and young teens can also learn more about the Venturing and Exploring co-ed programs.
Among the many activities will be (partial listing):
- Space/Rocket Derby Puppet Making
- Tent Pitching Contest Miniature Golf Course
- Paper Airplanes Catapults
- Backpacker Cooking Raingutter Regatta
- Honor Flag Set Up/Letters to Soldiers Crafts/Survival Bracelets
About Seneca Waterways Council
Seneca Waterways Council of the Boy Scouts of America serves more than 12,000 young people in Monroe, Ontario, Wayne, Seneca and Yates Counties. The Council provides an educational program for boys and young adult men and women to build character, to train in the responsibilities of participating citizenship, and to develop personal fitness. More information about Seneca Waterways Council is available at www.senecawaterways.org.
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