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SUBMITTED by: Carol Elaine Deys, Para-Deys Acres' Serenity Chapel (28-Apr-2013)

MACEDON VILLAGE PRIDE - Canal Clean Sweep participation in Macedon

I saw them coming, filled with bright and joyful anticipation for the day to come. As the yellow school bus from SHOW (Students Having an Opportunity to Work), lead by Susan Goff, pulled up at Macedon Canal Park, one by one they descended down the steps--eagerly thinking about the freedom and fun of a morning in the park, helping to help others help themselves. All in all we had rakes, paintbrushes, paint and leaf bags to fill. Each child went with an adult friend, and there we were--volunteers, friends and children who wanted to spend the morning together, cleaning up the Butterfly Nature Trail and canalside area.

A bright picnic table awaited them filled with all kinds of goodies: sharper than sharp cheese, sweet juicy grapes, crisp delicious apples cut in easy slices, bags of total junk food, freshly made popcorn, water and soft drinks for the hungry and thirsty group.

Although the day was a bit chilly with winds that defied all order, we managed. The sky was a mixed blend--blue, gray, white and dark clouds passing overhead. Everyone worked. The Village DPW helped as part of the NYS Canal Clean Sweep. Everyone gathered in and out around the table--a centering place, and one of the most amazing things we shared was abundant, loving friendship.

To top it all off, we had kites! Colorful, floating, dancing kites! Defying all odds, we managed to keep them up in the sky. One or two thought they might dip into the canal, but were saved by trusty kite retrievers--sometimes lying flat-bellied on the ground side of the canal, to pull them back from sheer destruction to safety. Laughter, canalside music, good food and friends working together in peaceful ways. What more could one ask for on such a beautiful day?

Oh, I know! S'mores! Although we wanted to start a small fire in the grates to melt the marshmallows into the chocolate, it was way too windy! A new way was invented to eat s'mores, and it was just another part of our altogether wonderful morning spent at the Macedon Canal Park uniting in the spirit of love, hope and treasuring every potential of amazing grace that was ours to share.

Sometimes there IS joy in the little things, Friends. This was one of those experiences.


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