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AND THE GOOD NEWS IS! Parades, pizzas and popsicles - and what do they have in common besides a cause for celebration? They touch the heart of the participants.........those participants who have been thoroughly enjoying the Village of Macedon and all of its recreative fun these days. If you haven't been paying attention, then guess that it is time you did or you are going to miss out on the promised direction of a thriving new village in the State of New York. Heard along the way that villages were disappearing all around us, and when I heard this I thought "what a shame." They will miss out on the down/home experiences that call people together for fun and fellowship. Last year we had an apple pie baking contest in the Macedon Canal Park's pavilion. Along with a lot of other fun things, it was so great to see people gather - some that we had not seen in a very long time. Reminiscent of days gone past, and smelling like good food cooking and being shared with others, we plan to do the same again this year. Now my husband and I do not live directly in the village - in fact we live in the last, or perhaps first house in the Town of Macedon on our particular street. When I first moved here I felt a great calling to pay attention to the history of this area. I just couldn't figure out why, and then all of a sudden dreams began to come to me - voices from my family's past that I didn't know existed here. Coming out of Rochester myself, I never thought in any way shape or form, that I would be connected to this area. Well, I found out that three of my relatives actually signed the first Minutes of the Town of Macedon, and another one was the first winter teacher and another one went on to become the second Town Supervisor. Chloe Bradish, one of my dream visitors, used to ride horseback to the little school where she taught the young ones. I found Chloe's grave over in the Palmyra Cemetery. Her husband, Dr. Gain Robinson was the first doctor in Pumpkin Hook, and I am sure that she lived there along with him. Ten children showed up to help populate the area, and some day - when I have the gumption to check these out, I would love to bring their families together again. That would be some reunion! Ideas are one thing - getting them to move forward are another. A few nights ago, we attended another workshop for the advancement of the Village of Macedon. A great deal of work, mostly volunteer and above and beyond the call of duty for those who are employed by he village. It was held in the First Baptist Church (which has a marvelous history of its own). We are thankful for compassionate and sharing people who care very deeply for this area, and the history it represents. With all of the newly evolving amazing technology, it is always a pure treat to see what we can accomplish. Working together in teams of directive purpose, we shall succeed in not only recreating a Village of Choice, but also inviting others to share in the purpose and prayful direction of a job well done. Moving forward, we ask for your help in the creation of our Butterfly Trail and the wonderful mural which shall be dedicated in August. Take a peek at the artist's work at Van Bortel's Chevrolet on Saturdays. You can see a true artist in action! Paintings, popcorn and picnics - three more things which call people together. I can't imagine not having a place to share them. Happy Summer! Today has been a beautiful, cool and positive day. Hope that yours is the same. Carol Elaine Deys - Para-Deys Acres' Serenity Chapel


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