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2014, HERE WE COME Touched by the past, and the future to come I am enlightened by the possibilities that "all will be well.' Despite all rumors to the contrary, I find myself enjoying life and all that surrounds me regarding this life. Daily I engage in the personal experience of trying to keep some semblance of order in my life - and they say that "practice makes perfect." I am working on it! Yesterday I saw a colorful rug actually woven with socks. Yes, socks! The lady who wove this rug is a wonderfully creative weaver of joy! It had every color of the rainbow with some besides. I could have easily taken it home with me as it was that beautiful - but it was not for sale. Sometimes there are things in life which cannot be bought by any amount of money. One of them is mutual respect and another, courage. Through the progression of such in our own lives, good has been accomplished. Lately I have watched and observed the lack of compassionate understanding in the every day world of Macedon proper. I have felt the need to care deeply about all concerned, and despite all rumors to the contrary - again retrospecting in the way of courageous intent, I have found myself holding all who are personally involved in the heart of my soul. I have lifted considerable prayers for those who have been unfairly judged in the manner of a determined fire department and whose newly organized venue now touches many lives. I have tried with all of my might to understand the common sense action and reaction of this move upon the part of the Town Board, and feel that some how I must have missed the mark because it is, in all reality happening now. It is my hope and desire that while one door closes, another will open for the Village of Macedon. Good people with new ideas of promotional value are gathering. Let it be so that in this way, a new area of discernment shall value the Village, and that the expansion of this energy shall not only be of a great encouragement to the many who surround this Village, supporting its intent to do good and keeping safe the historical intent of the original peoples who founded a "place within a place." There is a voice rising in Macedon Village. It IS a place of dominant control where mercy shall command fully the need for a new way to see this place in the Universe as valued and hopefully in the name of the peoples who have supported this walk. Intense observation is a now happening. Let only the good win out over all. Carol Elaine Deys - Para-Deys Acres


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