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Today I am thinking about Christmas past. I am sure that many of you who are gathering are doing the same. My first remembrance goes back about seventy years - and that was the day I received a beautiful bride doll and all that went with her. She challenged my imagination to the utmost degree, and I am today considering all of the wonderful co-operative efforts which came together to make this happen. The first thing I see is the love that surrounded her. In memory, I am discerning that it was my mother who started it all. Of course, she had whispered in Santa's ear that this truly would be a magnificent gift which would bring me great joy! She was right! She then enlisted all of Santa's helpers she could find and the fullness of this venture was beyond compare. My Dad worked at Kodak for at least thirty-five years. He and his friend made tiny little hangers for the wardrobe he had painted in aqua and cream - 100 hangers in all. Little shoes were made by the special elves, and the helpers created the most wonderful costumes - one a red-cross nurse's dress, another a nightgown and flannel robe, another a pink and black lace party dress, and so many others I have lost count! The bridal dress, all white and satiny, was just the best with veil to match. Can you imagine the look on my face when I rediscovered my old chubby baby doll, with some stuffing redistributed had become a new bride with a shining tiara placed upon her golden head? Each in our own way we are now contributing to the Village of Macedon, and its newly developing enthusiasm which will begin to consider many different ways to promote reasonable choice. From many sources will come the desire and intuitive need to continue building, and from this source will rise a new way to look at our old Village of "Whoville." It will be the combined efforts of many which will make this happen, and the blessed release of old injurious thoughts which will only cause us all pain. Considering all declarations of the past - including the benevolent purses of those who want to help make a difference in our Village of Macedon, we are now in line for a parametric change where the actual re-divisioning of the redirective energy of our combined rhythms shall rise to greet us in the formation of a Living Museum and all of the wonderful businesses which will be created through this loyal feat. A very Merry Christmas to all of you, and it is my prayer that this prophetic word will come true - touching those who are in need of a caring touch, and blessing those who have considerable interest in helping to recreate this village. The pride in the hope that surrounds us, the declarative force of many joining together with enthusiasm--hope matters! So do we who have expressed openly our need to be a part of this mutual society of friendship, motivating....encouraging one another in every way possible, and continuing to rise with hope in the place of our choice, Macedon Village, Macedon, NY 14502 - and yes, that too, a basic 315er showering our blessings upon others who have reflected the same in places of the conditional promise just like ours! MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A BLESSED NEW YEAR to all of you. To all who believe in the miracles of amazing grace, shout "Alleluia" and to those who do not, we'll share our joy with you and maybe, just maybe some day you will understand the special magic and potential this now brings before us. In peace I have written this Prophecy of Hope in the year of our Lord, 2013. May 2014 rise with dignity and the way to open successfully a new wave happening in our Macedon as a whole. After all, if we can't fix our common woes, how in the world can we expect to heal the world? God's blessings to all of you! In the name of your personal "god" - whomever that might be, MERRY CHRISTMAS, HAPPY HOLI-DAYS AND AN EMPURIFIED CANDLE TO YOU, LIT WITH THE PROMISES THAT ALL WILL BE WELL.


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