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The first meeting of the Macedon Village Living History Society met on Thursday, Jan. 30 at John's Books ETC on Main Street. Several gathered, discussing their already forward/thinking ideas and making plans to continue the growth and understanding of the vintage wealth in the present history and the memories in the Village proper. Throughout the village there are personal collections where people have "saved the best 'til last" waiting for someone to encourage their exciting family treasures. Family memorabilia, photographs and drawings, and many, many photos are being shown to us and we welcome the opportunity to create a Living History Museum, encasing the beauty and heritage of a place worth keeping. This is a step/by/step opportunity to make a difference, calling forth the highest and best for the Village proper and visitors to come. The dynamics of this opportunity shall challenge all that have gone before it, bringing forth a much more needed equity for the village as a whole. The kindness of many is helping to make this happen, and it has only just begun. New ideas, new values arising here entirely self-supporting. The best is yet to be! The next meeting will be held at Books, ETC. Feb. 17th, 5:00 PM. Pizza for all. All positive ideas and people are welcome. Info - John Cieslinski 585-474-4116 or books_etc@yahoo.com.


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