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By John Groves

Lyons Girl Scouts and the Weekenders working together for the people of Wayne County and the heritage of the Enlarged Erie Canal Lock E-56

Over 200 years ago a fantastic idea was born, “Why not build a canal to connect the vast oceans of the world, with the interior of a new and growing continent”. Many were opposed, realizing the cost, where others saw more… In the end, opening in 1825, the Erie Canal began moving people and goods. By doing so, our “manifest destiny” was accomplished.

Seeing more and seeing beyond ourselves is always a good thing. Saturday, during the celebration of Erie Canal Clean Sweep a group of eager, helpful and caring persons, took time to clear an area, adjacent to historic E-56 to accommodate a kayak launch. This facility will allow easy access to our beloved canal for kayaker’s and even canoes. Whether or not they simply launch from this point or arrive to visit E-56, the new “point of destination” will be a welcome sight.

The Town of Lyons is a historic treasure. Being located within easy distance of the Erie Canal infrastructure, it offers guests from far and wide a great opportunity to explore. Every year, literally thousands of bicyclist pass through. Boats of every description pass through as well. Lyons, blessed with the canal passing directly through the village has practically unlimited prospects.

Saturday we saw profoundly, young people dedicated, even with a passion, to somehow make a difference, not only for them, but others they may never know. The weather was raw, rain, mud and difficult slopes to cope with. Yet, in all of this, there was joy, joy in doing something that will make the Lyons and the Erie Canal a better place.
Tumble Gate Circa 1860
NOTE: Notice that huge pile of brush, trash and pieces of trees. The task was difficult, the purpose was priceless… (E-56 is passport trail number 6 in the passport book.)  


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