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Apr 26 –Gary Morse on Community Supported Agriculture: On Saturday, April 26 at 4:00 PM, Gary Morse on Community Supported Agriculture at Books, ETC. What is Community Supported Agriculture? Gary will describe and tell you how you can purchase a share in the produce of this organic farm. People interested in poison free food should attend this presentation. This group is free and open to the public. Meet at Books, ETC. 78 W. Main St., Macedon NY. For more information call John Cieslinski at 585-474-4116 or email books_etc@yahoo.com. Morse Family Farm is an organically grown heirloom farm that grows exotic and traditional produce. Our farm has taken the NOFA Farmer's Pledge to grow produce using organic methods. Our farm is committed in three ways; to our land, our customers, and ourselves. To our land - The nutritional needs of our soil will always come first and we will never place monetary demands upon the soil. We recognize that the land is a gift to us and we will strive to maintain balance between the land and the farmer. To our customers - The desire to provide our customers with the satisfaction of knowing where their food came from, the health of their food, and exemplary service is absolute for us. Expertise of product use, health, and requirements. Food is a necessity and an absolute culinary delight! We want you to enjoy what you’re consuming with the comfort of knowing that is healthy so that you can be healthy. To ourselves - Morse Family Farm will always utilize techniques that harbor excellent stewardship to our land. Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle. We salvage and buy products and then we up-cycle them to suit our needs. This eliminates manufacturing of goods that already exist and aren’t being used. We utilize a rainwater catch system to limit the demand on our groundwater. This is what we truly believe in. These three commitments are mirrored in our mission statement. Our mission is to make economically viable decisions through an ecologically sustainable consciousness. This enables us to provide our customers with fresh, quality, organic produce while maintaining a sustainable balance between our natural resources and the needs of our farm to create agricultural harmony.


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