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HOMESPUN THE FIRST 2014 BUTTERFLY If I started by my deck, I would see the Wygalia shrub beginning to bud. It will value our entrance for weeks. I hear the wind chimes ringing all over the garden, helping me to remember the sights and sounds of yesterday. On the 5th of May,1981 son John Andrew passed from our sight. His bountiful essence remains as part of our ministry of peace, and we gather strength daily just knowing this. Never have I been spiritually separated from him. Of course not - why should I be? His life began with me. It seems to be the same in our garden. So many years ago we planted Sweet Williams in memory of Grandpa Bill, purple grape hyacinths, rainbow-colored daffodils, and other wonderful Spring heralds. The lilac bushes are fulfilling their natural order all over the place, and I find myself so blessed by their coming colors and abundant fragrant blossoms. ! think this year they wilt be in need a bit of trimming - in fact,quite a large one, because the wind decided to divide some of the older ones right down the middle. Sometimes we have control over our gardens and places of choice - sometimes we do not. Took a little ride today passing by the "free kittens" sign on Canandaigua Road. I must keep all of my hands in my pockets, and my need to cuddle spring babies to myself because I am not so sure how our Husky Pakia would react if we brought some home. Oh,well. Maybe another time. Just recuperating from a long bout with pneumonia, so sometimes the challenges of watching over more is a bit more than I seem to be qualified for - at the moment that is. We have a little beckoning hill in our peace garden that called sweetly for violets. This year it is splendid in purple and white. I have been waiting for them to show, and they have now fluently arrived. I celebrate their return,and their reproductive rhythm which daily adds magnificence to the little places on the hill. Daylilies are peaking through - not the blossoms, just the green and tender shoots. Our roses survived the winter,and there is this wonderful coral and creamy white tearose by the fountain pond that reminds me of my dear mother. A flock of iris is growing nearby, and I sure hope to see flowers there this year. They were new a couple of years ago, but we have yet to see them blossom. As I gain strength daily from this "just watching the flowers grow stage" to a new place where I can again feel the strength and joy of physical renewal on my own, l'll just sit here in the sunshine, on the back step - writing the joys of my heart. Every year new surprises occur in our Garden of Peace. The nests are being built, the still fat from winter crumbs birds are singing their chirpy little songs, and at night I can hear the beginning sounds of peepers from the back ponds. If you haven't had time to take a look around at what you already have, please do so. Hidden beneath the arches of yesterday's domain lies the current wealth of a job well done. I am so thankful that I get to share these truths of my heart. And my first spring butterfly - black and yellow lace, I saw him today. He flitted past us through our garden nook as we contemplated the cadet blue periwinkles grown from a tiny bit of flower from Johnny's grave so many springs ago. A sign of grace - I'll take it, and share its vintage wealth with all of you. HAPPY MOTHERS' DAY! Carol Elaine Deys Para-Deys Acres' Serenity Chapel Paradeysacres@aol.com


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