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THE HEARTBEAT OF A VILLAGE By Carol Elaine Deys Sometimes when I awaken during the night, I can still hear the heartbeat of the broken-hearted who voted to contain their Village of Macedon last Wednesday night. I reflect upon the promised direction of a new and more organized way to "conduct business" in this village, and acknowledge that it is not all about the dollars and cents of a constrained budget, made that way by those who have chosen not to listen to the rest of the story. It is about a mutual value system. A village is run by those in the know who are not only trained to do a good job, but who have also dedicated a great deal of their own lives to make a difference. After all that was achieved through the numbers from the voting the other night - the potential dissolution is still "up in the air." Can you imagine how some of the employees of the Village must feel? Can you imagine how some of the employees of the Village must feel? I do believe that there are not many of us in the list of those who were able to vote who would not be willing to donate the so-called difference in their tax base, it made the difference between their neighbors being able to pay their personal mortgages or buying groceries for their families. Last night we had a lovely concert in the Macedon Village Canal Park. The Melody Masters entertained us royally, bringing us back to the nostalgia of the Big Band era. There were at least twelve members upon the stage, sharing their talents and inspiration of past design - and more than seventy-five in the audience. Refreshments were provided by volunteers of the Macedon Village Fire Department. I am at a place in my life where tears come easily - sometimes joyful ones, and sometimes tears from who knows where. I was made very aware of this when the band started to play "Moonlight Serenade." I had the old white leather-bound album of many of Glenn Miller's favorites at least sixty years ago. Played it over and over again, and somehow that music reflected upon the innocence of those times. Perhaps the innocence was just in me - but somehow, I knew that I was crying the tears of those who wish to contain their value of village life - the value way beyond the monies involved, where one can walk safely down the street - after dark, with street lights shining - where one can stop in at the local Books, ETC. and be greeted by well/known friends who truly care about the every day little things. Where people gather to "make a difference" in the stores, in the churches and upon the streets of a place worth treasuring.. What will the future hold for the Village of Macedon? The small number of votes which swung the election can still be changed. Forced to succumb to the "bribes" (using our own tax dollars) of stronger, more intensified groups, many still stood strong with the determination of a "NO' vote. Now what do we do? We wait - we plan - we create a potential dissolution plan, using the guidelines of those who have publicly admitted that the "plan is broken." How shall we determine the emerging new life in this Village? Will those who "forgot to vote" step up to the plate and fill in the necessary numbers to gain priority over the 'YES" votes? And/or will we learn to work together as a team of the Village residents in the plans of future domain? I hear "the people have spoken" - well, maybe not! Time will tell the value of all of this recorded history. Reflecting upon the promises of better days ahead, I join with those who are truly listening to the "heartbeat of the villages," and the same collective rhythm shall rise up to defend their rights of their place in the sun - the right of mutual choice where ALL aspects of developmental awareness shall be "held to the Light" and ALL aspects of what all of this truly means shall determine a brand new way of observing the dissolution of villages across the state. Village life truly matters. Refining the process of each and every step of dissolution or the potential thereof, shall be our next step. Are you listening? I sure hope so. In peace, Carol Elaine Deys PARA-DEYS ACRES Town of Macedon


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