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APPRECIATING COMMUNITY Tonight I went out to see the lovely peach and gray sunset hovering over the world I had just experienced for the day. I heard the water flowing in several of our fountains, and not a mosquito - not one, came to greet me. The perfect ending to an amazing day spent down at the Macedon Canal Park. We called it CANAL SPLASH, and were greatly encouraged by the positive imprint it left upon the community as a whole. Members of the Macedon Village Pride Committee worked diligently to make this event a huge success, and a special "thank you" goes out to George Decker, Roger Hotel, Mayor Marie Cramer, Bill Lawton and Kitty Barg for the wonder of helping to bringing this all together. A special 'Thank you' goes out to Walmart for their welcome donation. Two fabulous bands, JUST US COUNTRY BAND and RUBY SHOOZ were just plain amazing, and the people stayed and stayed dancing the day away. Young and old they "tripped the light fantastic" and what fun we had watching them. At least twenty one vendors had registered to display their wares, and I saw smiling, relaxed faces everywhere. A Remembrance Dedication was a beautiful happening by our Butterfly/Nature Trail and we thank our John Cieslinski and.Pastor Carol Holtz-Martin for opening the way to healing for many by their stories and deeply enriching prayers. Many volunteers helped to create a delicious barbecued chicken dinner. We especially want to thank the Macedon Village Fire Department, the Clifton Springs Fire Department, and the Farmington Fire Department for the use of their facilities, the grates, pots and pans, tables,chairs and especially the huge tent all for the benefit of our welcome guests. As a long/time member of this Community and the Macedon Village Pride Committee I have watched the evolution of our own purposeful direction to make our Village a better place - a place where contentment can be found in the events we plan, and where the uniting form of community as a whole resonates. I have heard that the band called SPIN CYCLE will also be playing at the Park, Thursday, August 13 at 6:00 P.M. The group plays Classic Rock, and they will have a delightful summer evening planned for all of us. Of course, the Firemen from Macedon Village Fire Department will be cooking hot dogs. Bring your families and your comfortable chairs! Mutual respect! That has been the voice we have chosen to use, and its harmonic components shall remain long after there are new and perhaps better ways to find unity in this community. But for now, we celebrate the day. We celebrate the power of the amazing grace which has touched our village by the work that has been accomplished, and wouldn't it be wonderful if the best was yet to be? As a conscientious member of the Dissolution Committee of the Village of Macedon, I am watching over the sanctity of this move, and believe beyond a shadow of a doubt that better days are coming for those who truly respect one another in the way of peace. It will take great courage to make our decision for or against the dissolution of villages all across New York State. I have heard that sixteen of them have "gone down" and somewhere deep inside of me is the question - "Is this truly a good move?" Time alone will tell the results of all of this commotion - but in the meantime, I am thankful for a job well done and many will go to bed really tired tonight, but satisfied in the amazing job they accomplished with the presentation of the Annual Canal Splash at Macedon Village Canal Park - Lock 30 - an interesting and truly special place worth re-discovering. Carol Elaine Deys PARA-DEYS ACRES


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