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Danen Kane
Danen Kane, singer and songwriter, is bringing his “Flesh and Soul” tour to Lyons on Sunday, November 15. Danen will be an integral part of the 10 AM worship service at the First Presbyterian Church of Lyons (on the corner of Queen Street and Broad Street), as well as presenting a two-hour concert beginning at 4 PM in that church’s sanctuary. The concert is being presented by the First Presbyterian Church, and is being sponsored in part by the Peppermint Cottage Bed and Breakfast and the Lyons National Bank. There is no admission charge, but a freewill offering will be taken and donations for the Food Pantry and Thrift Shop are always appreciated. Arrive early and take advantage of the chili lunch which will be served from 2:00-3:30 in the church’s Social Hall (in the same building). There will be a chili to fit every pallet, along with salad, bread, beverage, and cookies. Cost is $5.00/ person.

Those fortunate enough to attend these events will hear a tender, finger-picked acoustic guitar chime seven notes, descending a scale like a waterfall. Six notes follow, down again but then back up to a hopeful and bright rest. Then, Danen Kane’s expressive voice declares the omnipresence of the Author of music: “He’s in the breath inside you / He’s in the falling rain / He’s in the light that shines on / every morning day.” A subtle, atmospheric electric guitar undergirds the melody with a double-time pulse, lending dimension and gradually moving the listener from reflection to response.

Flesh and Soul colors its theme with lyrical and musical variety. “I Need You” is a scorching song of creed and confession. “When Our Time Here is Over” adds a funk beat, with aggressive electric tone, ambient instrumentation, and even a subtle horn line. And “One Step Ahead” highlights Kane’s vocal through a gradual build to crunchy guitars, rock drums, and declaration, “You are the same, regardless of where I am.” Through it all, the focus never wavers. There is a Love that seeks us, that is freely offered to us, and though we inexplicably grapple against it and count ourselves unworthy, it is steadfast and sure.

Asked about his name, Kane replies that “Danen” is his given name, and yes, it’s been misinterpreted as an unfortunately-named duo, “Dane and Kane.” And despite that, yes, he likes his name. “I've grown to like it because it's unique and it's worked out well.”

It’s a name to remember, and Flesh and Soul will be an album remembered by many for its honesty, its wisdom, and its ministry. Members of the First Presbyterian Church of Lyons invite everyone to join them on Sunday, November 15, at 10 AM and/or at 4:00PM to be blessed and moved by the music of Danen Kane.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call the Church Office at 315-946-4723 between 10 and 2 weekdays, or email lyonspcmembership@gmail.com.


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