Mar 12 - HAM DINNER: Saturday, March 12 Ham Dinner at the Macedon American Legion Post from 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM. The American Legion Auxiliary Unit of Macedon will host a ham dinner on March 22 from 5-7 Philip Steiger American Legion Post #494, 76 Main Street, Macedon. The $9.00 price of the dinner will help defray costs of sending our local candidate, Victoria Reid, to Empire Girls State. This year the event will run from June 30-July 6 at the College at Brockport. Girls State and Girls Nation programs seek to instill the basic ideals and principles of American government. This coveted educational opportunity gives young women the chance to experience, first hand, governing, flag etiquette and good citizenship among other things.
Tickets are available at the Post, Books, ETC., all Auxiliary members or at the door. American Legion, 76 Main Street, Village of Macedon. For more information call Ginny Young 315-986-5977 or Janet Kester 315-986-1343.
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