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REFLECTIVE HARMONY Have you seen it yet? LIFE IN THE FINGER LAKES Magazine - September/October 2016 issue, has a six page article with colored pictures re our Macedon Village Lock 30's BUTTERFLY & NATURE TRAIL entitled ERIE CANAL NATURE THERAPY. It also can be viewed on line at Lifeinthefingerlakes.com, although the magazine article itself actually shows the beautiful, lovely pictures of the trail itself. 6:00 P.M. on Wednesday eve had been set aside for the volunteer work crew to show up at the Trail bringing with them varnish, brushes, sanders, rags and generators. As I watched, all ages from ninety some years down were coming in to help. This brought a great deal of hope to all of us who have been there from the beginning. Benches don't refurbish themselves - human hands and good hearts do the necessary work. These benches had been placed there by many different families in memory of their loved ones, and all who came to help realized the need to share in this destined work - bringing with them the necessary wherewithal to make a difference. Personally I have been greatly blessed by the wonderful story our Welcome Book has presented. As I typed the entries after we had completed one book, I couldn't help but feel the joy many have experienced as they walked, fished and contemplated on this lovely Trail. We are now on the third book - and what a revelation of purposeful direction they have presented. Coming from all faiths and political belief systems, the volunteers have managed to work together efficiently and effectively to make a difference in our little corner of the world. Multiplied by tens of thousands of small, out of the way sites, I am sure that many other communities are doing the same - but the Macedon Trail seems to be the only Butterfly Trail alongside a point where three canals actually meet. The old saying is "Many hands make LIGHT work". Well - it's true, and the beneficial aspect of such is that the ordinary becomes the extra-ordinary in more ways than one, and while the Village continues to shut down in purpose, the hand prints of many residents and volunteers shall remain as purposeful and true for years to come. God bless us all as we enter into a new wave understanding of what makes Community. As I sit here in the quiet writing this article, I can hear the fifes of the Macedon Fife & Drum Corps playing ... .And now the drums begin - can you hear them - rat-a-tat-tat - and if I am lucky, they will march right down by the Trail, and I shall bear witness to another little Vision that sought its own level in the Village of Macedon, and went on to be of a great encouragement to many. Community is one thing - but a RESPONSIVE community is a real miracle of hope. We are blessed to have one. Carol Elaine Deys PARA-DEYS ACRES


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