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NYSG Community Development Specialist Mary Austerman
was presented a 2019 Great Lakes Sea Grant Network award
by Jesse Schomberg (center), WI Sea Grant Extension,
and Tory Gabriel (left), OH Sea Grant Extension.
Photo: Todd Marsee, Michigan Sea Grant

Newark, N.Y.; October 8, 2019.  New York Sea Grant Community Development Specialist Mary Austerman was recently honored for excellence in assisting Lake Ontario coastal communities, including the Village of Sodus, to address record high water and flooding since 2017.

Austerman was presented a 2019 Great Lakes Sea Grant Network Outstanding Outreach Programming Award at the the network's meeting in Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan in September.

Austerman serves New York’s Great Lakes region from the New York Sea Grant office at Cornell Cooperative Extension Wayne County, Newark, N.Y.; 315-331-8415.

Austerman’s work is applying social science-based research and community-driven needs assessment to help shoreline communities to enhance preparation and resiliency for high and low water levels and other extreme events. Her project work includes development of tools that have been requested for utilization in Pennsylvania and Canada. Later this fall, Austerman will publish an in-depth assessment resource to help communities understand if or how well they are prepared for coastal flooding and other weather-related disasters.

This award truly represents the invaluable collaborations with agencies, non-governmental organizations, regional planning councils, researchers, and local governments that have been working to assist our communities to be better prepared and able to respond to weather disasters and coastal flooding,” said Austerman.

NYSG Coastal Education Specialist Helen Domske received a Distinguished Service Award for her 26-year Sea Grant career devoted to preparing present and future generations of Great Lakes citizens to make sound decisions about the unique ecosystem. Domske, who recently retired, also served as Associate Director of the Great Lakes Program at the University at Buffalo. NYSG’s new Great Lakes Literacy Educator Monica L. Miles, Ph.D., can be reached at the NYSG office at the University at Buffalo, 202 Jarvis Hall, Buffalo, NY 14260, 716-645-3610.

We are pleased to have the leadership of our Great Lakes educators recognized and, more so, to know that because of their work the environmental, educational, and economic interests of New York’s Great Lakes coastal communities are significantly advanced,” said New York Sea Grant Associate Director and Cornell Cooperative Extension Assistant Director Katherine Bunting-Howarth, based at Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y.

New York Sea Grant is a National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration cooperative program of Cornell University and the State University of New York. To learn more, visit www.nyseagrant.org.  


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