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SUBMITTED by Richard P. Amundson, Lyons Central School District Superintendent (23-Nov-2009)

Dear Lyons Community Member,

The Lyons Board of Education and I truly appreciate the many opportunities that various community groups have generously given to us so that we could present and explain the EXCEL Technology Capital Project that will be voted on Tuesday, 24 November 2009. THANK YOU to the Town and Village Boards, the Retired Citizens, the Lyons Fire Dept., the Chamber of Commerce, Rotary and the Community Center Board for allowing time at your meetings to present the project and answer your questions.

The Board and I encourage you to connect with those Lyons residents within your sphere of influence and encourage them to exercise their right to vote. The polls are open from 7 AM to 8:30 PM in the foyer of the Earl Buchanan Auditorium at the MS/HS building.

I continue to be impressed with the excitement that our students and employees demonstrate for new technology. in order to enhance student learning, our students, teachers and this community deserve to have EVERY classroom equipped with Smartboard technology. The proposed "sustainable living lab" will enable our faculty to offer the latest "green" technologies for our students' learning in Science, Math and Technology. The equipment to create "personal electronic portfolios" will enable our students and staff to digitize most anything, including college applications. Finally, we all look forward to an air conditioned auditorium for graduation and other school and community activities. And it will be great to have the auditoriums properly equipped with new projection screens.

Other components of the project will provide for energy savings and safety enhancements for our students, staff and community. We are excited about enhancing our partnership with the Town and Village by installing energy saving solar panels at the Joint Maintenance Facility.

The components that make up this project are truly worthy of our serious consideration. This project will be paid for entirely by State Building Aid, EXCEL Aid and earned interest income. Therefore, the local tax levy and rate will not be impacted by the project.

If you or others have questions that I can answer today or even on Tuesday, please do not hesitate to contact me. Please feel free to share this email with your friends.

Thank you and Happy Thanksgiving.


Richard P. Amundson
Superintendent of Schools
Lyons Central School District
10 Clyde Rd.
Lyons, N.Y. 14489
(315) 946-2200


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