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Canal Clean Sweep-Village of Macedon April 25, 2014 Seems like it is picnic time in the park! Coming out of a long, cold winter we have looked forward to our canal clean-up day as a time of celebration for our area. Claiming the fullness of friendship on overdrive, we have managed to expand upon the promises of the good life in the Village of Macedon. The colorful flying kites, a symbol of prosperity in our community and the smell of wood smoke from the fire in the little grate in the park. We’re ready and waiting for the bus filled with excited children and their teachers who have declared openly that this shall be a fun day! With plates of sparky cheddar cheese, crisp buttery popcorn, fresh sliced apples, succulent purple grapes, golden ritz crackers and melted mushy s’mores, we rest assured that their creativity and the fullness of their ability to share in many ways, we shall all experience a broad and beautiful day. Here they come! A bright, yellow school bus moving down the drive filled with excited young ones-waiting to greet the morning with their enthusiastic response to our invitation. These new friends are coming in from Wayne Central School. Pictures first, and then paint brushes, white plastic bags and rakes in their hands. The boys and girls descend upon the canal park, intent on not only having a good day but also making a difference in the work of their choice. The fullness of community life goes beyond those who participate daily on this level. Although there are many who just “don’t get it”, the need to take some time out of their busy lives to experience this blessing of community welfare, there are some who love unconditionally going beyond the norm, challenging the old voice who would speak disdainfully about any and all that our community, is now experiencing. Listening to the TV news, and the wavelengths around us, one would think that everything is “going to hell in a hand basket”. Let me tell you now, that “it ain’t over till it’s over” and the flowing and expansive grace that have surrounded this Macedon Village Pride team is amazing! By the way, this enthusiasm is catching, and we are more than glad to share! We meet at John’s Books ETC. 78 Main Street, Village of Macedon on the first Thursday of each month at 7pm. Come and join us! Carol Elaine Deys, Paradeys Acres Paradeysacres@aol.com


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