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QUALITY CONTROL Sometimes I find myself just sitting back and observing the process of change in Macedon, N.Y. I am not qualified to judge another for their actions, and neither are many others who are now supposedly representing the voice of the people in the Macedon Village. As a long/standing member of Macedon Village Pride I have seen the determined and hard work that has been accomplished to make our village a better place to live in. Like the communities of old, I have seen neighbors gather to celebrate the peace and quiet of our Macedon Canal Park with its lovely Butterfly-Nature Trail. I have also seen them come to the many functions we have had in celebration of a place worth keeping. Although we do not live in the village proper, my husband and I have adopted it as a place of refuge and strength of purpose. We have expanded our circle of friendship in countless ways through this experience, and know how difficult this organized intent to not only destroy the Village of Macedon, but also the reputation and determined energy of our Mayor, Marie Cramer with their vicious assaults, bullying and determination to totally destroy the work she has helped to create. Over and over again I have borne witness to a need for a more judicial space where common courtesy exists and is continuously expanded upon as people talking to people with consideration and just plain decent language. I have seen areas of the village's command consistently destroyed by under/handed vicious actions and reactions to not only undermine the credibility of the Mayor, but also "gang up" on her as a pack of vicious dogs. "Why" would you ask, "would this make a difference to me" -----and I would answer you "because I truly care about the community which surrounds my heart and home, and the people who live in it." If when it comes time to vote, please take into consideration the paths that have been traveled to destroy a good thing - the Village of Macedon. Please count the blessings you now have in this village, and multiply them by the courage it has taken for one woman to stand alone against the pack of intensified stealth that would destroy that which she, and many others have worked for so diligently. As we move into a time of challenge and change in this little place called the "Center of the Universe" - remember fully the old adage "what goes "round comes 'round" and there are many advantages to your keeping the place you now have in the structure of New York State proper. You now have a choice. Will you lose that voice if you choose to dissolve your village? Will your requests for help go unnoticed, or met with a negative response? I have been connected to the Town of Macedon over forty years. My personal family helped to establish this Town and Village, and it breaks my heart to see the level of disparity which has been caused by those who "say one thing and another they do." I am consistently appalled by the "can of worms" which has been created by those who claim to be in the know and truly are only telling their interpretation of what should or should not be. Please use your own inner strength to decide your vote. Follow only your own conscience and not the voices of those who have subjectively created a firestorm, and purposely set out to destroy - intentionally causing havoc with every word they say and do. When the Village was established, only good prevailed. It is my prayer that the Village shall return to normal after the 10th of June, and the two turncoats who now are seemingly representing ALL of the village people on the Macedon Village Board shall be succeeded by those who truly care about all of the people in the village proper. I am one woman - one voice. Please speak up by your vote and your voice if you feel the same. Carol Elaine Deys :PARA-DEYS ACRES


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