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WINTER SONG - CHRISTMAS JOY! We're counting down the days to Christmas - a time of reverent surprise, and the discerning awareness of a job well done. Personally, we are in the process of placing the swags with red bows on our family's gravestones. Something beautiful happened to me as we drove into South Perinton Cemetery today where beloved son, John Andrew's body is buried. It's strange, but I have never thought a great deal about how much my children love me - it didn't seem as important to me as the love I have and have had for them. I cherished every one of them as they were brought into my safe/keeping, and today - as the gentle rain was starting to fall, when I stepped out of the car at the cemetery,my thinking remained the same. Right at my feet lay a branch of white blossoms, and I heard the words "These are for you, Mom." I looked all around the area by the car, and only green grass was apparent. There was not another flower there. Tears of appreciation welled up in my Spirit, and I knew and understood the depth of a mother's love for her child, and the discerning grace of unexpected miracles. We have been celebrating the advent of Christmas the entire month of December. Little presents hiding here and there and the majesty of all of the preparation we have made for our family. The gift I received today was totally beyond any expectations of returned love. The gift I was given today graced my heart by the wonder of life as a whole - where all who have gone before us still live in a realm of consciousness way beyond our current understanding. Some call it a heaven of their choice, and others - I don't know, think of other ways for life as they know it to end. Blessings continually touch our lives if we allow them to escape the snares of doubt and despair. I know because I have walked in many of your shoes. What I do know, without a shadow of a doubt, it is time for the celebration of Christmas - the beckoning of the birth of the Christ Child in our lives, and the lives of all who surround us. A new year blossoms forth - like the delicate in balancing of life as a whole. New ideas, new challenges and the wonder of a good job done floats upon the horizon of 2016. May all you have invested in the years before come back to you with shining grace - and may the miracle of Christmas remain in your hearts forever and ever. Our faith may occasionally be tested - but isn't that the way of a life well spent? Merry Christmas and a blessed New Year to all, and may you forever be touched by the magic of new possibilities in your lives and mine, for isn't that what it's all about - living a good life measured by all that comes before you, and the collective reasoning of just how you respond to what you have been given? To those who have taken the time out of your busy day to read this article, and do not believe the words of eternal life - that is your privilege. To those who have done the same, and celebrated the joy this has brought before me - and you, Thank you. At this difficult, changing time in the evolution of our planet God bless you one and all, for isn't that what we are here for - to celebrate the potential of a life well lived, and to determine that in spite of all rumors to the contrary - better days are coming. So be the challenge this brings before us, and so be the eloquence of One life in Christ - for it is my understanding, good lights are shining upon the earth - and each in our own way, we are lighting the lights of the peaceful ways intoned by Jesus, and all of the other Peacemakers who walked before and after him. Now it our turn to light the lights of the Promised Way - in peace, in harmony and through the value of a job well done. Moving forward, we together create the life we want to live. Love is the strengthening of your own place in time. "Love one another, as you have been loved"..........the rest is up to you. MERRY CHRISTMAS! Carol Elaine Deys PARA-DEYS ACRES


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