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SUBMITTED by Vicky Daly, Village of Palmyra (9-Jun-2010)

Conversation with the Mayor
Vicky Daly
7 June 2010

What did I do today?

Sometimes, and especially by children, I am asked ‘What does the mayor do?’ The standard job description, if such a thing really exists, doesn’t begin to cover the increasingly varied array of duties, responsibilities and opportunities that this job, here anyway, can entail. However diverse the tasks are, there is one thread common to them all – what is in the best interest of the people of Palmyra, the residents and the merchants.

And in the process of addressing these tasks and attending these meetings, I am learning constantly, so the more appropriate question might be ‘What did you learn today?’ Some times the learnings deal with totally new-to-me topics; sometimes, greater depth on subjects with which I was somewhat familiar. I cannot speak for the entire board and staff because they are, without exception, intelligent, knowledgeable people. My own knowledge base, however, has grown in areas I never considered before: the stewardship of wood lots; specs for road reconstruction; interior infrastructure of water towers; electromagnetic pulse, and, as of the June 7th meeting, homing pigeons. How’s that for a mixed bag?

One of my most recent and unique learnings had to do with the backstage procedures at Geva Theatre, Rochester. The occasion for the new learning was an invitation extended to us to represent Wayne County in Geva’s annual fundraiser, Summer Curtain Call, which raises money for its educational program. Why us? Through pure happenstance, the Village of Palmyra worked with Geva last year to promote The House at Hydesville, a play commissioned by Geva, to tell the story of the Fox sisters and the beginning of the spiritualism movement. Whatever the reason, we were invited and accepted with delight. The Wayne County contingent consisted of Chairman of the Board of Supervisors, Jim Hoffman; Irene and Bill Unterborn, owners of the Liberty House Bed & Breakfast, and your mayor. We appeared as ourselves, but in the guise of Palmyra Erie Canal Pirates. The plot was laugh out loud silliness – the quest of Monroe County Executive Maggie Brooks seeking a county with which Monroe County could consolidate. I won’t go into detail, but it was a delightful evening. I believe I can speak for all of us that we enjoyed it and were pleased to be a part of an effort that raised more than $100,000 to support Geva’s educational outreach.

I believe Chairman Hoffman said it best when he called it a unique opportunity to help in a good cause. Geva gave us an opportunity to promote our beautiful Wayne County – and have fun, too.

A postscript worth noting: There are two Wayne County websites you should know about because they both give you information about the county, what is happening here and the services available to you, but they also provide you an outlet for information you want to disseminate. Check out www.wayneresourceguide.org and www.waynecountylife.com. You will go back to them repeatedly.


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