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SUBMITTED by Mary E. Mastracy, Wayne County Tourism (26-Aug-2010)

It's Harvest & Apple Tasting Time in Wayne County

Wayne County is noted for their apples, we are the 2nd largest producer of apples outside of Washington State so it seems fitting to host an Apple Tasting Tour. This tour is an annual event in October and its popularity grows each year. The 13th annual Wayne County Apple Tasting Tour is scheduled for its’ tasting weekend Oct. 8-11. Travel our scenic country roads, ablaze in autumn glory from market to market. Take this opportunity to explore the essence of the apple. Apple taste testing is one way to learn the differences in apples including taste, texture and scent. Shop for gift items and crafts and participate in the door prize drawings. Each stop is unique, as is the taste and texture of apples. Discover the flavors, colors, and sizes…apples are as individual as we are!

The tour continues on throughout October. You’ll have till the 31st to visit all of the participating farm markets and then mail in your challenge form for a chance to win a gift basket. Remember to have your form stamped at every market. Please call for a free guide with map and listing of participants.

The 2010 Harvest Guide is also available. The guide includes information on farm markets, shopping, B&B’s, museums and a calendar of special events that cover the months of September and October.

For your free copy of the 13th Annual Apple Tasting Tour brochure and the 2010 Harvest Guide call the Wayne County Office of Tourism at 1-800-527-6510 or send your request by e-mail to tourism@co.wayne.ny.us or visit our website at www.waynecountytourism.com.


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